Our human brains go haywire with mysteries. Especially when someone stops responding abruptly, it mystifies us. We start thinking 1000 different reasons and sometimes blame ourselves. It is the mystery of not knowing “why” the response stopped causes more emotional trauma and negativity within ourselves.
In this internet era, such things are more common. When it comes to ghosting, it does not matter why they did it, it matters how we perceive it.
When we assume rejection or negative connotation for non-response, it takes toll on us and sometimes leads to self-hate too.
Assumption of positive narrative and the benefit of doubt might help to deal with ghosting. Telling ourselves that the other person got other life priorities or may be they had a health emergency would help us to stay positive. If that is not the case, assume something else positive based on the scenario. This would rewire our thoughts with compassion and empathy instead of negativity or hate.
If our intention was not to hurt someone then we should not worry about their perceptions or misinterpretations by others.
Just my 2 cents.